Getting in touch

To make the most of contacting us, here are some helpful things to consider. 

Before getting in touch with our administration team, you might find we've answered your question in our 'Questions and answers' page.

Before you get in touch

For the Aon OnePlan contact centre team to help you quickly, please have the following details to hand.

The Aon OnePlan contact centre

The contact centre is available if you have a question about your benefits.

What if you have membership in other Aon pension arrangements

If you've worked for Aon in recent years, you may have membership in other Aon pension arrangements. You can find their contact details (below).

The administrators and Financial Advice

The law does not allow anyone associated with the ARP, or anyone at Aon, to advise you about what financial decisions you should make. If you would like advice, talk to an impartial financial adviser.

See our 'Getting financial advice' page for more details about how to get financial advice.


Our administrator, Aon, has established procedures for the resolution of complaints.

The Trustee expects most complaints to be resolved satisfactorily, but if Aon is unable to resolve your complaint, you should follow the ARP's dispute resolution procedure.

You can obtain a copy of the ARP’s Internal Dispute Resolution Procedure (IDRP) from our Aon OnePlan Library or by getting in touch with the 'Aon OnePlan contact centre'.

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