Investing your pension savings

How you choose to invest your pension savings in the Aon OnePlan is an important decision that can make a real difference to the value of your account and the level of retirement benefits it will provide for you.

It’s important to take the time to understand your options and decide what is right for you.

Below is a summary. For full details, refer to the Investment Guide on the Aon OnePlan member website via  the 'My Account' page.

Key decisions

Take a look at  . . . 

The default investment strategy

If you don’t have the time, desire or knowledge to make regular investment decisions, the default investment strategy is likely to be suitable for you.

The default strategy is the Aon Managed Retirement Pathway Funds, which target drawdown.  

This aims to maximise growth in your account while you are a long way from retirement.

As you get close to your target retirement age, your pension savings automatically move into investments which aim to be suitable for you if you intend to take your pension savings by income drawdown. 

Your Aon OnePlan account is invested this way unless you’ve actively made a different choice.

Your investment options

You have a few different options to consider for investing your Aon OnePlan account:

  • You can choose a ‘Do it for me’ investment approach using one of the Retirement Pathway or Core Retirement Pathway funds (this includes the default investment strategy).
  • You can take a more hands-on role by using ‘Give me options and information to help me choose’.
  • You can combine these two approaches.


For full details of your investment options, refer to the Investment Guide on the Aon OnePlan member website via the 'My Account' page.

Take time: consider

Investments are not guaranteed. Performance can go down as well as up and you may not get back what you invest.

If you invest in overseas markets, changes in currency exchange rates may cause the value to rise or fall.

Some overseas funds invest in developing markets where arrangements around regulation, dealing, liquidity and custody may be less secure than in the UK. Such funds can therefore carry greater risk.

The investment information provided is for guidance only. It is not intended to constitute financial or other professional advice and should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice relevant to your own circumstances.

Important: If you need advice

If you’d like advice, you should talk to a financial adviser.

See our 'getting financial advice' page for more information.

The law doesn’t allow the Trustee, anyone associated with the ARP or anyone at Aon to advise you about what investment decisions you should make. 

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