Questions and answers
If you have a query about the Aon OnePlan, you might find the answer here.
We’ve arranged questions and answers into groups based on subject area.
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If you have a query about the Aon OnePlan, you might find the answer here.
We’ve arranged questions and answers into groups based on subject area.
Yes, you can transfer your BigBlue Touch savings into the Aon OnePlan at any time. However, you should note that if you do so on an individual basis, you may incur transaction costs. You’ll need to log in to your BigBlue Touch account to download the necessary forms. You can access the BigBlue Touch member website from Select.
In April 2025, we’ll transfer pension savings from BigBlue Touch to the Aon OnePlan in one go for members who tell us they want to take part at that time. You won’t incur any transaction costs as part of this bulk transfer. You’ll receive full details nearer the time.
The Aon OnePlan member website provides you with access to myTarget. This is a modelling tool which makes it easy for you to consider the right level of saving for you.
You can look at the impact that contributing more (or less) may have on your retirement income and the age at which you can afford to retire (your ‘target retirement age’).
You can even use myTarget to work out how much income you may need in retirement and how much you need to save to achieve that income.
The Aon OnePlan member website also provides you with access to Well One Money.
With this, you can enter information about all your pensions and other savings so you can look at everything in one place.
To access these tools, head to the Aon OnePlan member website via the 'My Account' page.
You can get impartial financial advice at a competitive rate from the ARP’s appointed financial adviser, Origen Financial Services Limited. See our 'Getting financial advice' page for details.
You’ll receive regular communications from the Trustees in the lead-up to retirement to help you consider what actions you may wish to take in readiness for retirement.
This may be possible depending on the type of retirement benefits you want to transfer into the Aon OnePlan.
You can transfer in any registered pension savings into the Aon OnePlan subject to the below scenarios, which require you to receive financial advice and, generally, a positive recommendation to transfer:
Transfers can be accepted for active and deferred members of the Aon OnePlan.
Any savings you transfer in will be paid into your account as a contribution and invested in whichever fund or funds you choose.
See our 'Transferring in' page for more details.
You can find out more in the ‘Manage your savings’ area of the member website – head to the 'My Account' page.
Please refer to the Member Guide for details of the terms that apply if you’re absent from work. This is available on the Aon OnePlan member website via the 'My Account' page.
You’re free to switch your funds or investment strategies at any time.
To change your investments, log into the Aon OnePlan member website via the 'My Account' page.
Please refer to the 'TargetPlan' for the charges associated to each of the available funds.
This is available on the Aon OnePlan member website via the 'My Account' page.
Yes, any changes would be notified to members. AMCs can increase or decrease from time to time, however, these changes are generally less frequent than for additional expenses.
Log into the Aon OnePlan member website via the 'My Account' page for information about the latest AMC charge rates.
TERs will be reported annually in the Chair’s Statement. This is a statement that describes how the Trustees have met certain legislative governance standards and includes disclosure of costs and charges for all funds that members are invested in.
The Chair’s Statement is produced and disclosed within seven months of the ARP’s year end. We’ll publish the first Chair’s Statement for the Aon OnePlan – on the 'Aon OnePlan library' page – before the end of October 2025.
Log into the Aon OnePlan member website via the 'My Account' page for information about how your account is invested.
You can access this information, via the various Investment fund factsheets.
Please remember that with any investment, past performance is not an indication of future performance and returns are not guaranteed.
This is the form the Trustee use to help decide who should receive any death benefits that are payable in the event of your death.
We’ll refer to your most recent form, so please ensure you keep yours up to date.
You may have completed a similar Expression of Wish form or Beneficiary Nomination form for another pension arrangement or for the Aon life assurance cover. The completed forms for those arrangements remain valid, however, the Aon OnePlan is separate to those and so it’s really important to complete your Beneficiary Nomination for this arrangement too.
Please let the Trustee know your wishes by nominating your beneficiaries online. It’s really easy to do this by clicking on 'Manage beneficiaries' in the 'My Pension' area of the member website.
Visit the My Account page for a reminder of how to access the Aon OnePlan member website.
Your pension savings in the Aon OnePlan may be one of your most significant financial assets.
It’s therefore important that you make a fully informed decision in how you take your retirement benefits – one that’s right for your personal circumstances.
The ARP Trustees have appointed Origen Financial Services Limited (‘Origen’), a long-standing, regulated, national firm of financial advisers, to help members.
They’ve negotiated a competitive rate with Origen for members of the Aon OnePlan.
This is a valuable benefit as Origen’s rate is likely to be less than any rate you’re quoted on the open market as an individual.
Origen can advise you on your investment choices, your retirement options, about transferring benefits into the Aon OnePlan, and more.
To find out more, see our 'getting financial advice' page.
You may be able to pay for financial advice using your Aon OnePlan account. This is called the Pensions Advice Allowance (PAA), which allows you to take up to £500 in any tax year (up to three times overall) without a tax penalty, to pay towards financial advice. See our getting financial advice page or contact the helpdesk for more information about adviser charging and the PAA.
Yes, their advisers are qualified to the standard required by the Financial Conduct Authority to be able to advise you.
Origen is completely independent of Aon and the ARP.
No, Origen’s fee for providing advice is the same regardless of the choices you make.
You can use a different financial adviser if you want to, provided they’re authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
You can find a financial adviser of your choice using MoneyHelper’s online directory.
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). The FCA is an independent body set up to regulate the financial services industry in the UK including financial advisers.
You should only use a financial adviser who is authorised to provide financial advice by the FCA.
You can find out more about the FCA at:
Please refer to the 'Your pension and tax' page.
The Aon OnePlan Member Guide also includes information on how tax relief works on pension contributions. This is available on the Aon OnePlan member website via the 'My Account' page.
It's important to be aware that while most financial advisers are regulated, and pension arrangements are registered, this is not always the case.
Your pension benefits are valuable assets. Like anything valuable, your benefits can become the target for scammers.
Pension scams can take many different forms, but broadly take the form of members being persuaded to transfer their pension out of a scheme to allow access to their funds.
Some schemes will be unlawful. Others may operate within the law, but members and schemes could face unauthorised tax charges.
Pension scammers may:
You can find out more about pension scams on our 'Pension fraud' page, or on the FCA's website at
To avoid being the victim of a scam there are several steps you can take:
You can find out more about pension scams on our 'Pension fraud' page. We also we strongly recommend reading the Pension Regulator's guidance on pension scams.
If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.