If you become a deferred member

If you leave the Aon OnePlan and you meet one of the below special situations, your pension savings will remain in the Aon OnePlan and you’ll become a deferred member. All contributions to your account will stop. 

Special situations

The special situations where this applies are:

  • If you remain in Aon employment, or
  • If you have a Hewitt Pension Fund (HPF) defined benefit (DB) pension in the ARP that’s not yet in payment, or
  • If you have a form of pension protection that would be lost on transfer to The Aon MasterTrust.
  • If you have divorced or ended your civil partnership and your benefits are still subject to the court ruling (for example, a pension sharing order).

Options for a deferred member

If you become a deferred member of the Aon OnePlan, your options are:

What to know more?

For information on your retirement options, go to the ‘Retirement options’ page.

At retirement, you’ll also have the option to transfer to The Aon MasterTrust if you wish to make use of income drawdown.


If, in the future but before your retirement date, the special situation ends which applies to you, we’ll automatically move your pension savings to the Aon OnePlan Section of The Aon MasterTrust at the next available transfer date. See the ‘Leaving’ page for further details.

If the special situation which applies to you ends at retirement, we won’t be able to automatically transfer your savings to the Aon OnePlan Section of The Aon MasterTrust – you’ll need to receive a retirement pack and make a choice.

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