Investment Fund factsheets
You can view and download factsheets here that show more information about each of the funds available in the Aon OnePlan, including past performance.
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You can view and download factsheets here that show more information about each of the funds available in the Aon OnePlan, including past performance.
Here you’ll find links to the latest fund factsheets for The Aon Managed Retirement Pathway funds which target drawdown.
These are the Default Investment strategies for the Aon OnePlan.
(Links published: 22 October 2024.)
(Links published: 22 October 2024.)
(Links published: 22 October 2024.)
Here you’ll find links to the latest fund factsheets for the other Aon Managed Retirement Pathway funds.
(Links published: 22 October 2024.)
(Links published: 22 October 2024.)
Here you’ll find links to the latest 'Core Retirement Pathway' fund factsheets.
(Links published: 22 October 2024.)
(Links published: 22 October 2024.)
(Links published: 22 October 2024.)
(Links published: 22 October 2024.)
(Links published: 22 October 2024.)
Here you’ll find links to the latest fund factsheets for all other available funds.
(Links published: 22 October 2024.)
(Links published: 22 October 2024.)
(Links published: 22 October 2024.)