Transferring in

If you have savings in one or more other registered pension arrangements, you may be able to transfer them into the Aon OnePlan.

Bringing your pension savings together

Any savings you transfer in will be paid into your account as a contribution and invested in the funds you have chosen. You can find out more in the ‘Manage your savings’ area of the member website – head to the 'My Account' page.

If you also have an account in BigBlue Touch

If you have pension savings in Aon’s BigBlue Touch pension arrangement, you can transfer them into the Aon OnePlan at any time.

Please visit the BigBlue Touch member website for details – you can access the site from Select via the 'My Account' page.

Bulk transfer of pension savings from BigBlue Touch

In early 2025, we’ll transfer benefits from Bigblue Touch to the Aon OnePlan in one go for members who tell us they want to take part at that time.

You won’t incur any transaction costs as part of this bulk transfer.

If this applies to you, you’ll receive further details nearer the time.

Financial advice

If you’re interested in transferring benefits into the Aon OnePlan, it’s important that you seek impartial financial advice to determine whether it would be in your best interests to do so.

For benefits in some other schemes – such as defined benefit pension arrangements – you may need to provide evidence that you’ve received appropriate financial advice before you can transfer the cash value of those benefits into the Aon OnePlan.

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