Getting financial advice
The ARP Trustees have appointed a regulated firm of financial advisers to help you make informed choices about your Aon OnePlan pension savings.
The ARP Trustees have appointed a regulated firm of financial advisers to help you make informed choices about your Aon OnePlan pension savings.
The ARP Trustees have appointed Origen Financial Services Limited ('Origen’), a firm authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
The Trustees have negotiated a competitive rate with Origen for members of the Aon OnePlan.
This includes members who are contributing and members who are no longer contributing.
This is a valuable benefit as Origen’s rate is likely to be less than any rate you’re quoted on the open market as an individual.
As the firm appointed by the ARP Trustees to provide financial advice, Origen can provide a raft of services. Select each of the headings below for more information.
If you don’t want to use Origen and you don’t have an appointed financial adviser, there are organisations that can help you find one.
They can also give you a list of some of the things to check when deciding who to appoint. Some of these organisations (and how to contact them) are set out below.
Please remember that a financial adviser will charge you for providing advice and they should discuss their fees with you before you use their services.
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulates financial services firms (including financial advisers) and financial markets in the UK.
Its website has a section on choosing and using a financial adviser, including the questions you should ask.
MoneyHelper provides helpful information on all money matters, including access to regulated financial advisers.
It has a searchable directory of financial advisers who specialise in providing advice about retirement.
MoneyHelper also provides free guidance on retirement options for taking DC pension savings (such as your Aon OnePlan pension savings) if you’re age 50 or over.
You can find out more about its Pension Wise service and book an appointment online.
The Pension Wise service provides guidance on DC pension savings, but not the State Pension or Defined Benefit (DB) pensions (which can be on a 'final salary' or 'career average' basis).
The law doesn’t allow the Trustees, Aon or anyone connected with the ARP to give you financial advice.
The terms of the offer for paid-for impartial financial advice from Origen is subject to change and will be kept under review. The Trustees reserve the right to withdraw the offer at any time. We’ll let you know if this happens.