
Find out what happens if you leave the Aon OnePlan.

Leaving during the opt-out period

If you’ve been enrolled into the Aon OnePlan, but don’t want to be a member, you can opt out during your first month of membership.

You’ll receive a refund of the contributions you paid and be treated as if you’d never joined.

If you want to opt out of the Aon OnePlan, complete an opt-out form and send to HRGO.

The form is available on Aon Avenue > Resources > UK People Org Policies > Benefits.

Leaving before you retire

Membership is voluntary so you can leave the Aon OnePlan at any time.

If you leave, you stop being an ‘active’ member and contributions to your account will stop.

Finding out more

Please refer to the Member Guide for more details – available on the Aon OnePlan member website via the 'My Account' page.

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