The Aon OnePlan

Welcome – you’re in the right place if you have pension savings in the Aon OnePlan.

About the Plan

The Aon OnePlan is a defined contribution pension scheme. It’s a section of the Aon Retirement Plan (ARP), managed by the ARP Trustees who are responsible for running it in line with its Trust Deed and Rules and wider pension laws.

The Aon OnePlan benefits from the ARP’s robust governance and stewardship, with market-leading experts working to ensure the best options and outcomes for members.

The membership

Across the ARP’s membership, some members will have pension savings only in the Aon OnePlan section.

Some members will also have pension benefits in one or more other sections of the ARP. If this applies to you, you can find information about these benefits from our legacy section pages.

If you have specific questions about your benefits, you can either: logon to the various resources; or contact the appropriate adminstrators.  See the 'What if you have membership in other Aon pension arrangements' section on our 'getting in touch' page.

Your member website

The Aon OnePlan also has its own secure member website run by Aegon.

This is where you can: 

  • download the Member and Investment Guides,
  • model your retirement,
  • access your individual account, 
  • make changes to how your pension savings are invested and more. 

You can access the Aon OnePlan member website via the 'My Account' page.

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