Membership of the Aon OnePlan is one of the most valuable benefits Aon provides for colleagues.
Membership of the Aon OnePlan is one of the most valuable benefits Aon provides for colleagues.
If you were an Aon employee prior to 1 October 2024, you will have automatically become a member of the Aon OnePlan from its launch.
If you joined Aon after 1 October 2024, you will have been automatically enrolled into the Aon OnePlan when you joined. This is as set out in your contract of employment and in line with automatic enrolment legislation.
To help people save more for their retirement, all employers are required by law to enrol their workers into a workplace pension scheme.
You can opt out of joining the Aon OnePlan within one month of being automatically enrolled if you wish. See the 'Leaving' page for further details.
We’d encourage you to think carefully before deciding to opt out of the Aon OnePlan. If you opt out, you’ll miss out on Aon’s valuable employer contributions. You may also need to consider alternative ways to save for your retirement.